Friday, October 30, 2009

Busy like a bee.

What a great experience I had this week. I was recorded, yes, me actually singing, in a studio. I sang The Very Thought of You. It was ok. There were things I would correct and such if I could, but overall I think positively on the experience. There is so much to learn and much progress I could make. There is always room for improvement, right? Anyway, thanks to my friend-since-3rd-grade Phillip for giving me the opportunity.

I have been interviewing for night jobs. Cross your fingers. I don't enjoy interviewing, but a girl does what she must. It won't be bad. If I am lucky I will make some new friends, do some work, and get a little money in the process. Too bad money doesn't grow on trees.

We had a fun halloween party at the church last night. For the past few years the Youth of the ward have hosted a Soup-n-Scare for the Primary kids. Everyone easts and then the kids rotate through a bunch of activities. The kids loved it. Today I'll go in and help with Corb's class, and then Trick-or-Treating on Saturday will be fun. Izzy has been practicing saying "Trick-or-Treat" for weeks now. I am not sure where she learned the phrase. She just says it randomly.

By the way, my costume is Cleopatra.

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