Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are= Not What I Expected

Ok. This film was strange. The first thing I said after the film ended was, "Are you kidding? That’s it?" It just ended.... Not much explanation.

I do think the more I have time to think about the more I like it, but I was really disappointed at first. And it is still weird, so I don’t know if I would recommend it to people. Maybe as a Redbox rental. It was just … different and it made me feel anxious so many times. The opening scene made me crazy. Max is chasing the wrestling the dog while holding a fork. Max was in dangerous situations and it just made me nervous.

Maybe you will love it. I now know of a family that saw it and loved it. We didn’t enjoy it, because I wanted something more light and fun for the little ones. Corban was so excited to see it and now I don’t think he is going to for some time. It was thought provoking. I am still thinking about. Trying to make sense of it. It didn’t make sense. There was talking (and I was surprised the monsters talked) and times of silence. And sometimes I felt like some things needed explanation. It left me wanting more. It just ends. Poor Max was so neglected and lonely and sad. It was a bit heartbreaking.

I must admit, I did picture Corban as Max for some of the scenes. The way he is fearless and impulsive. The way he is with new friends. The way he can be shy. I think that is why I am beginning to make sense of the film, but I will not be purchasing this film.

I am glad I saw it for the “what if’ factor to be eliminated, but it was just not the fun family friendly movie I was hoping for. Too bad. Maybe you will love it. I didn’t. I wanted to, I really did.


Jana said...

I feel the same way, too bad!

Camille said...

Thanks for the review. I've heard that from a lot of people - so I will definitely stay away from watching it in the theatres... I'm not a fan of being disappointed. :)